Daily Prayer Intentions

To reflect the insights of the of the 2020-2022 Congregation and NA Province Chapters and the Assembly of the Latin American Mission Area

Transcendence Chapman, Waterford Chapel
© Edmund Rice Christian Brothers Art Foundation, LTD


Most Holy Trinity this is your day. As creatures in an immense and emerging cosmos, in harmony with the energy and beauty of our common home, we unite with our sisters and brothers in contemplating the gift of life.We come together in word and sacrament proclaiming your faithfulness, delighting in the love that bonds us toYou and to each other. To You Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, be the honor, the glory and all praise.



Loving Father, our week opens to a renewed invitation to behold your ceaseless generosity. Today, once again, we welcome the invitation to collaborate with our sisters and brothers in CO-CREATING an even better tomorrow graced in your presence, compassion, and liberation. Be with us in our daily efforts today and throughout the week.


Jesus you teach us to address God as our Father. You awaken us to the universality of this invite and stir an awareness of the DIVERSITY of gifts within and among us. May we cherish the richness of our distinct heritages, personal stories, and varying perspectives on religious practices, society, politics, economics, and life. May we ever be open to encountering you in all who enter our lives, and may we reach out to others, especially the poor and marginalized as fellow children of a loving Father.


Holy Spirit, already at mid-week, we pause to CONTEMPLATE the graces that have touched each day, the harmony of creation, and the many ways you manifest your abiding presence in each to whom we speak, in all who draw near us or see us or hear us...


Jesus, on this day celebrating the gift of the Eucharist, we recall the devotion of Blessed Edmund Rice and the CHARISM of opening his whole heart to you present and appealing to him in the poor. May we open our hearts to all you bring into our lives


Jesus, on the day of your passion and death, we recall our deceased loved ones. We attend to our own FRAILTY AND BROKENNESS. We listen to the groans of a damaged world. May we hear the cries of the poor, embrace the hurt, and unite in singing a hope filled song of joy and thanksgiving.


Holy Spirit, Breath of Life, on the day when we commemorate the fiat of Mary, we celebrate the FEMININE ENERGY enriching our humanity. We give thanks for our calling and celebrate all who accompany us as disciples of Jesus and followers of Edmund. We pray especially for vocations to our religious brotherhood.